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about me


Hey, thanks for stopping by! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Jack Nahigian and I am an aspiring filmmaker. For as long as I can remember movies have been a large part of my life. I am currently the Vice President of the Film Creators Society at my university.


Movies help us understand the world around us and worlds that are unfamiliar. My love began where most do, in a galaxy far, far away. When I was younger I kept having my parents rent the Original Trilogy of Star Wars at Blockbuster to the point they decided to just buy the box set. It came with all three movies and bonus material, but as a kid, I thought it was a movie I hadn’t seen before. So obviously I watched it but instead of a new movie, I was watching a documentary titled Empire of Dreams. And one would think that a kid finding out that the world he loved was fake would be the end of their imagination but instead…it was the beginning.


These distant planets were now places I can go and the creatures were real and tangible. It was something I could achieve one day. Suddenly this wasn’t a story about a moisture farmer from Tatooine, this was a story about anyone who wanted to be something greater. And from that point on I wanted to not just be a part of that world but create my own world through which I can inspire and have people see something I make and go, “That’s what I want to do.”

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